TV Show (2008) Kid vs Kat.Animated comedy series. When an alien diguised as a cat lands on Earth, Coop Burtonburger's little sister, Millie finds him and brings him home where bedlam ensues.Hack Attack; It's a Rocket, Man
« PreviousSeason 1 Episode 26
The Marvel Universe is being torn apart. The Superhuman
Registration Act becomes law and Super Heroes must register
as weapons of mass destruction, becoming licensed government
agents. As Civil War is stirred, Iron Man leads the Pro-
Registration side while Captain America spearheads the
stand on Anti-Registration. The enemies you battle and
the missions you accomplish depend on which side you choose.
* Create and customize your ultimate team. Assemble your
dream team from the Marvel Universe and select from over
24 playable characters, each with specialized powers.
* Cooperate with your ultimate alliance. Take full advantage
of the Marvel Universe by playing Cooperative Mode with up
to four friends, both online and offline.
* Choose a side in Marvels Civil War. Pick a side in the
ultimate ideological rift that could yield irreparable
consequences for the Super Hero community! Support the
pro-registration side and defend national security, or
choose to be anti-registration and fight for personal
* Fight fear with fusion. Combine Super Hero powers for
devastating results. Team up with Human Torch and Thor
to create a spectacular fiery tornado. Over 250 unique
fusions arm you with an unimaginable arsenal for unprecended
* Wield next-gen superpower in fully destructible environments.
Demolish and interact with everything in your path. Pummel
This Film premieres in 2010.
Users can start reviewing this when a release date is set.
"X-Men: First Class" is expected to inject a next-gen sensibility into the superhero series. - The studio has been leaning toward using the younger characters introduced in the previous films in future installments --teenagers with powers taught at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.
Resulting film would likely draw from elements of the Marvel Comic of the same name, launched in 2006, and enlist such characters as Iceman, Rogue, Angel, Colossus, Jubilee and Shadowcat, who have appeared prominently or made cameos in prior pics.
Free Running (Pc/2009/MULTI5)
PC | English, French, German, Spanish, Italian | ISO | Rebellion Developments | 2009 | 570 MB Genre: Simulator, Sport
New game about urban jumps, known as Parkour. You will have to undergo complicated routing, executing unseen wonders dexterity. It will take place in London.
Game features:
- More than 60 tests on 10 levels;
- Lots of opening characters, clothes, tricks, videos and music!
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 27 English Sub Raw online to stream.Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 27 English Sub Raw will be released on October 17- 2009.Don't miss!!
Hitman Reborn Episode 155 English Sub Raw the online stream mach.Hitman Reborn Episode 155 English Sub Raw will be released on October 17 2009. Don't miss !!!
Dragon Ball Kai Episode 27 English Sub Raw online to stream!!!!! Dragon Ball Kai Episode 27 English Sub Raw in the October 11 2009 Don't missm,the episode guys!!!!
Intr-o zi eram pregatit sa plec in vacanta la tara la rude ca nu i-am mai vazut de mult am vb la telefon cu matusamea ca sa ma duc pe la ei si ma duceam undeva departe ... in judetul Vaslui comuna Duda-Epureni sat Valea Grecului si era pe drum asteaptam sa ajung la tara obosit pe tren ziceam ca nu mai trece timpu inebuneam..... Si intr-un final ajung akol ma asteapta matusamea si ghici acolo cine era era verisoara mea cu niste fete si printre acele fete cine era... era o frumoasa nam cum sa spun cea mai frumoasa fata din lume!! cand am vazuto mi sa oprit inima in loc si ce sa vezi eu incercam sa ies afara sa o vad pe acea frumoasa nu stiam cum sa ma bag cu ea in seama si a inceput ea cand am facut cunostinta de unde sunt ma intebat dar stia ... cai zise varamea ma intebat pe ce clasa ,, cati ani am etc... si dupaceia am inceput sai fac niste complimente pentru a ma da usor la ea dar cum eram eu rusinos :P o luam usor !!! cu frumosu faceam ce vroia ea! sa se simta ea bine dupa aceaia i-am zis daca vrea sa fie iubita mea a aceptat dar pe cand sa o pup!!!..... nu ma lasat m-am suparat eram dezamagit !! tot a zis sa astept ca debea ma cunostea!! si am inceput sa vb cu ea la telefon sa ma sune zi de zii!!!!!!! am inceput sa o iubesc mai mult ,, sa ne facem planuri sa vb unu de altu!!! Si am ajuns sa merg la ea in fiecare vacanta doar sa o vad si sa o iubesc !!! acel ingeras mic si frumos! Asa am intalnito pe iubita mea ce acuma curand am facut 2 anisori cu ea si o iubesc cel mai mult de tot am facut anii unul langa celalt a fost la mine acasa am fost la ea acasa!! si deacuma sa dea dumnezeu sa fim unul langa cealalt toata viata pentru ca te iubesc pitica mea iubita si mica.Nu uita niciodata ca te voi iubi mereu toata viata te iubesc pitica mea mica si scumpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deja astept sa revin langa tn si deja astept Craciunu sa vi langa mn ! sa fi de sarbatori langa mn! TE IUBESC NU UITA! Pupa pitica mare!